A common theme of “high and low expressions” runs through most skills’ development, personality, psychological, and behavioral assessments, as well as therapeutical modalities and Human Design.

The names may be different, such as the Enneagram’s “Stages of Development” or “Integration Levels,” the Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator’s (MBTI) “Dichotomies,” the Emotional Intelligence’s (EQ-i 2.0®) “Leadership Scale,” and Internal Family Systems (IFS), “Polarizations.” However, the ranges within these systems reflect similar aspects—healthy to unhealthy behaviors—regarding how we view and interact with ourselves, situations, other people, and the world around us.

As we become more self-aware, we can learn ways to acknowledge, accept, heal, and modify what no longer serves us, thus embracing our best selves—and who we are at the core level.

Cultivate your personal brand.

“Anything is possible” with focus, purpose, and motivation. That’s the incredible agency you have within you. As the infamous adage goes, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Knowing who you are, your mission, and your values, which are all part of your brand identity, will help you determine how best to position yourself to achieve your objectives.

Consider it your own “Project [insert your first name], explore what’s possible for your well-being, and prioritize it. To help you see things with a new perspective, leverage your right and left brain and four mental functions to kick-start your creativity.

Ignite possibilities by keeping it real and simple.

As humans, it’s easy to get stuck in a relentless loop and overcomplicate things. Self-leadership is all about getting to know yourself better and applying that knowledge to how you act, think, and feel. By enhancing your capabilities and devoting energy to your advancement, you’ll learn how to choose your highest expression and be the best version of yourself.

To guide you further, here are five ways to shift your mindset and foster your brand image:

#1 Describe yourself using a symbol.

A symbol is a material or an abstract object that represents or stands for something else. You can use symbols to portray your ideas in a catchy and memorable way to shape your narrative and create a mental picture and lasting impression. For example, when building out my company brand, I focused on ways to visually express my aspiration to help others cultivate insight to activate their best. I chose two key symbols, the “third eye” and “camera lens,” to personify the meaning.

#2 Accept your brand paradoxes.

There tends to be a bit of illogical irony regarding personalities, preferences, and emotions. Consider what’s contradictory for you and notice how they coexist—for example, simultaneously being angry and compassionate with a partner. Sometimes, you can find humor in these absurdities and use them to nurture stronger relationships. Here are a few paradoxes I’ve experienced.

#3 Listen to your inner world.

Your internal realm is your go-to source for truth and insight about who you are and your distinct identity underneath your roles and personas. By tuning in to your wisdom, discerning between your thoughts versus what others may have impressed upon you, and accepting all aspects of yourself, you can gain valuable insight into unanswered questions, think through difficult decisions, and problem-solve.

#4 Freshen up your vocabulary.

Semantics play a role in accessing your highest expression. To amplify your voice and message, choose high-energy words that carry a dynamic vibe and add “oomph” to what you’re saying or writing. Choose words that evoke excitement and momentum toward your mission and intended goal. If you’re struggling or uncertain about the most relevant words, I recommend taking the Sparketype® assessment to attain clarity and language around what makes you come alive and what depletes you.

#5 Rewrite your personal story.

A well-known literary metaphor states, “You’re the author of your own story. You get to wake up each day and decide how your story is written. With every new page comes an opportunity for change and growth.” To believe in your story, you must embody it by being and acting the part. Additionally, you’ll need to overcome any resistance to change, which includes befriending inner critics and addressing limiting beliefs.

Lastly, you may want to assess your susceptibility to outside influences, aka those who may inadvertently try to shape you into who they want you to be. By understanding how and when others may persuade you, you can be mindful when picking up unwanted energy vibes or attitudes, remaining true to your brand and how you want to show up.

Deepen your perspective to activate your best.

As a lifelong student, certified professional coach, and consultant, activating the best in others through self-leadership, interpersonal relations, and team dynamics are passions of mine. My approach is personalized and customized, tapping into various assessments, disciplines, modalities, and techniques. To learn more, schedule a call with me.

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