If you have ever thought or said, “I just don’t feel like myself,” most likely your inner state was out of alignment, aka incongruent, with your outer experience.

From a psychological perspective, congruency is about being authentic, where your “words and behaviors match” and “how you show up externally reflects who you are internally.”

The key personal brand attribute—YOU.

Throughout your life, the one constant will always be YOU, which is why self-awareness and trusting yourself are paramount to living congruently. The more you understand the “why behind your actions” and how you think and feel, the more equipped you’ll be to deal with situations where you experience a “yin and yang” pull between your inner essence and what you present to the world.

This type of introspection takes courage and dedication. The more you know and accept all aspects of yourself, the more balanced and integrated you’ll be regarding how you think, feel, and act.

Like a kaleidoscope, your human experience is ever-changing with endless possibilities.

Others form assumptions about who you are based on what they perceive. Your presentation of body language, stance, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and tone of voice makes a difference in people’s general impression of you. Their core motivation is at the heart of their observation, which impacts how they view, interpret, and discern what you’re saying and not saying.

Trust is a critical factor in successful relationships, where someone can count on your consistency and honesty throughout all interactions. When you’re in congruence, you’ll feel at ease with yourself and can be more open, confident, comfortable, and connect with others without judgment.

Psychologist Carl Rogers poignantly captures this point:

“I have learned, however, that realness, or genuineness, or congruence—whatever term you wish to give it—is a fundamental basis for the best of communication.”

As well as Author Peter Drucker:

“Trust is congruence between what you say and what you do.”

When you turn inward, you take ownership and accountability for yourself and can be more authentic and reliable throughout your exchanges.

Be deliberate in harnessing your YOU-ness.

Cultivating your personal brand in a congruent manner can enhance your well-being, support your career aspirations, and help you prioritize and focus on what’s most important to you.

Profound change starts with small steps aligned with your goals and objectives. There is no right or wrong to learning new skills or transforming habits. It’s about discovering and implementing a structure that works best for you at a deliberate and repeatable pace.

To get started, here are five essential areas to outline as part of your brand strategy:

#1 Document your brand identity.

Your brand identity gets to the heart of your essence—and depicts who you are, what you do, and where you’re headed, with core principles guiding what you need to stop or start doing differently for alignment. As your own advocate, you can then “live your brand” and position yourself in an articulate, coherent, and consistent manner to achieve your goals. Additionally, this activity can support your career advancement, such as interviewing for a new job and showcasing your expertise and experiences.

#2 Find your voice.

Your voice is an expression of YOU and is much more than the sound out of your mouth. It comprises the vocabulary and tone you use to communicate outwardly to others—in person, over the phone, through text, email, or posting to your social media accounts. Your voice is a fundamental element of your personal brand. At the core, it’s an expression of your purpose (why you exist), values (your principles/standards), vision (what future you want to create), and mission (what you’re here to do). Knowing what you stand for and speaking up for what’s important to you is crucial for your health, well-being, and success. To understand you, people need to hear you.

#3 Define your unique value proposition.

A unique value proposition (UVP) differentiates who you are and what you do in a concise and memorable way. Defining your UVP includes highlighting your skills and assets for a specific opportunity while positioning your message to resonate with stakeholder preferences or requirements. Your UVP is why people want to hang out and work with you. For example, are you known to be kind, reliable, and dependable? You can use the SWOT method to help list out your assets and liabilities to boost your self-worth and confidence.

#4 Shape your narrative.

Your narrative provides a framework for you to share who you are in a simple and memorable way that is easy for the listener or reader to follow. How you shape and tell your story becomes part of your brand and its promise. It’s the outward expression of your UVP with concrete facts and anecdotes. Your narrative includes authentic core messages that accentuate your brand’s spirit in a captivating and succinct manner. Furthermore, organizing your stories with relevant experiences and expertise will enable you to tailor your content to resonate with those on the receiving end.

#5 Elevate your executive presence.

Having “executive presence” conveys your level of competence and demonstrates that you’re well-rounded and self-assured. This includes sharpening your emotional intelligence skills, appearance, body language, and demeanor, as how you show up is a big part of how people identify with you. As a leader, communicating in an impactful and persuasive way that empowers and inspires others into action is crucial. Additionally, learning to pause and actively listen will enable you to adapt and respond more effectively while staying true to your values.

Share your distinctive magnificence with the world.

As Author Stephen Covey highlighted, “Personal leadership is the process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be with them.” Your brand will evolve as you do, so invest the time to do regular check-ups to ensure congruency between your inner and outer worlds and be a leader who lifts and inspires others to do the same.

Deepen your perspective to activate your best.

You are your most important asset and cultivating your personal brand can be less daunting—albeit even fun—when someone holds you accountable, is honest, and is rooting for your success. So don’t go it alone. Instead, hire a professional coach and grab a friend or trusted colleague to learn, support, and inspire each other.

As a lifelong student, certified professional coach, and consultant, activating the best in others through self-leadership, interpersonal relations, and team dynamics are passions of mine. My approach is personalized and customized, tapping into various assessments, disciplines, modalities, and techniques. Also, check out my “Micro & Mini Service Offerings” and contact me to learn more. You can sign up solo or with another person or group to work on a specific exercise or activity and split the costs!

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