
Inspiring Ideas. Actionable Insights.

Six Techniques To Bolster Your Communication Expertise

Six Techniques To Bolster Your Communication Expertise

Your communication style is a combination of inborn traits, like primary instincts, tendencies, and preferences, as well as environmental and cultural aspects, including what you have absorbed or learned from others, your belief system and mannerisms, and what you have chosen to emulate. Furthermore, how you talk to yourself—voice and tone—impacts your self-worth and confidence. Here are six techniques to help you bolster your communication expertise.

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How Much Do You “Cover Up” in Your Communication

How Much Do You “Cover Up” in Your Communication

The term “covering up” has various meanings. From a communication perspective, I’m referring to holding back from expressing yourself fully to protect or conceal an aspect of yourself from others. Most successful relationships are founded on mutual respect, understanding, and acceptance. Here are a few tips to be more balanced in your communication approach.

Career: Establish Your Own Annual Review

Career: Establish Your Own Annual Review

You’re in the driver’s seat when it comes to your career and how you define success. Make it a point to pause and reflect—at least annually—to acknowledge progress, celebrate achievements, and determine if there’s anything you’d like to modify. Here are five activities you can do during your personal reviews to stay on top of your career.

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