by Mindy Kantor | Jan 1, 2024 | Change/Transformation, Communication, Deep Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Enneagram, Human Design, Internal Family Systems, MBTI, Mindset, Personal Branding, Self-Leadership, Sparketype
A common theme of “high and low expressions” runs through most skills’ development, personality, psychological, and behavioral assessments, as well as therapeutical modalities and Human Design. The names may be different, such as the Enneagram’s “Stages of...
by Mindy Kantor | Dec 19, 2023 | Assessments, Change/Transformation, Communication, Human Design, Personal Branding
There’s a famous quote primarily attributed to F. Scott Fitzgerald that begins: “For what it’s worth, it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whatever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You change or stay the same. There are no...
by Mindy Kantor | Sep 19, 2023 | Career, Change/Transformation, Enneagram, FIRO, Human Design, MBTI, Mindset, Sparketype
At the root of all inner work is self-awareness, acceptance, and appreciation for all aspects of oneself. Your conditioning—the patterns, beliefs, and how you learned to respond to your environment and experiences—influences what you expect out of life and from...
by Mindy Kantor | Sep 15, 2023 | Change/Transformation, Deep Coaching, Enneagram, Human Design, Self-Leadership
During my interview with Tracy King on her podcast Gritty Mystic®, we covered many topics, including a brief overview of my transformational journey, “Project Mindy.” We discussed the power of turning inward and self-discovery, how coaching can help you activate your...
by Mindy Kantor | Sep 6, 2023 | Change/Transformation, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Human Design, Mindset, Personal Branding, Self-Leadership
I’m happy to announce that I’m now certified to offer Karen Curry Parker’s Quantum Human Design™ readings and analysis. Human Design is personality typing through a fusion of modern science and ancient wisdom. It integrates your chakra system, astrology, quantum...