Increase Your Leadership and Communication Impact

Increase Your Leadership and Communication Impact

Leadership is determined by how you lead, i.e., how you present yourself, communicate, and motivate others toward a vision, mission, or goal. Additionally, leadership is measured by what you do or don’t do. For example, the actions you take to prioritize work and...
Six Techniques To Bolster Your Communication Expertise

Six Techniques To Bolster Your Communication Expertise

Effective intrapersonal and interpersonal communication is a delicate dance between messenger and receiver. Whether conversing with oneself or another, both require skills like listening deeply, exhibiting patience, honoring different perspectives, and embracing...
Personal Branding – Tap Into Your Highest Expression

Personal Branding – Tap Into Your Highest Expression

A common theme of “high and low expressions” runs through most skills’ development, personality, psychological, and behavioral assessments, as well as therapeutical modalities and Human Design. The names may be different, such as the Enneagram’s “Stages of...