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Announcement: Quantum Human Design™ Certified Specialist

Announcement: Quantum Human Design™ Certified Specialist

I’m happy to announce that I’m now certified to offer Karen Curry Parker’s Quantum Human Design™ readings and analysis.
Human Design is personality typing through a fusion of modern science and ancient wisdom. Quantum Human Design™ uses updated language that is more expansive, expressive, and empowering.

Personal Branding: Turning Inward

Personal Branding: Turning Inward

When we externalize an issue, we give authority to something outside of us. Going inward empowers you to take back control. I use several tools to help me gain clarity and align my internal and external approaches for better balance and overall well-being. At the root of all of them is self-awareness, acceptance, and appreciation for all aspects of oneself.

Personal Branding: Boost Your Situational Awareness

Personal Branding: Boost Your Situational Awareness

When you’re “situationally aware,” you keenly observe your surroundings and pick up on both verbal and nonverbal cues from others. You trust what your gut instincts tell you about what’s happening around you and integrate that knowledge to determine how best to act in the moment. To help guide you, here are five ways to redirect your energy and tune into what’s around you.

Expand Your Capacity to Accept All Aspects of Yourself

Expand Your Capacity to Accept All Aspects of Yourself

A shift in mindset begins with new thought patterns and concepts. The more “real” you get with yourself and focus on what lights you up, the easier it is to start to let go of limiting beliefs and replace them with behaviors and strategies that support where you’re headed. Here are some ways to expand your thinking and Harness your YOU-Ness.

The Paradox Between Time and Patience

The Paradox Between Time and Patience

If you’re like me and grew up in an environment where time was equated to clichés such as “Don’t waste my time,” “Time is money,” and “Being early means being on time,” you may have also adopted a “rush to get things done, so you can focus on what you’d like to” mentality. Here are a few practices to help you reframe your beliefs and relationship with time and patience.

Communicate With Self-Confidence

Communicate With Self-Confidence

When you lose confidence in yourself, you give away your power to someone else. By becoming more self-aware and addressing the root causes of why you’re feeling the way you do, you can free yourself from behaviors and instinctual reactions that no longer serve you. Here are a few reminders of ways to boost your confidence and communicate more effectively.

A Mindful Approach to Communicating

A Mindful Approach to Communicating

It can be pretty disheartening and disruptive when what we say causes friction rather than connection in our relationships. We may not even be aware of the reason. Our approach—or lack of one—can send the discussion awry. Our mood, vibe, tone, or use of words may trigger a visceral reaction or shut down for the other person. Here are some ways to balance out your tendencies and be more mindful of your communication approach.

Career: Adapting and Responding Quickly

Career: Adapting and Responding Quickly

Managing your emotions effectively while being aware of the energy and vibe flowing in the environment are proficiencies you can cultivate. And unless your instinctual nature is acclimating like a chameleon, you’ll most likely need to integrate new behaviors and habits to minimize your “nerves” taking over a conversation. Here are five things you can try when preparing for your next meeting or presentation.

Career Leadership: Inspiring Others

Career Leadership: Inspiring Others

You don’t need a specific job title to motivate and guide others. Taking a more active role in the well-being of others not only positively impacts them but activates the best in you as well. With purpose and practice, you can manage your natural tendencies and boost your skills to inspire others by experimenting with EQ proficiencies outside your usual patterns.

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