It’s easy to lose yourself in everyday activities and interactions with other people. To assess how you’re doing, take the time to connect with yourself. Whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or just sitting, stillness and solitude, connecting with yourself can do wonders to energize and revitalize you when you’ve hit a lull.

Reconnect with your inner voice.

Sometimes we can forget what our true priorities are in life when we get hyper-focused on one outcome or another. Often this happens when we get into a cycle of nonstop doing or going. When this happens, and you feel off track, another way to remind yourself of who you are is through journaling. Journaling allows you to let go and concentrate on how you think and feel about a particular situation or person. As a private mode of expression, writing your thoughts out on paper or typing them up on a device can help you recalibrate. Ultimately, documenting your opinions, wants, desires, fears, and concerns can help you think through problems, address systemic issues, evaluate opportunities, overcome resistance, or just free yourself from repetitive thought.

Writing prompts are a great way to get your creative ideas flowing.

If you’re uncertain about where to begin, choose a writing prompt that gets to the heart of what you’re looking to uncover, solve, or achieve. To help you get started, listed below are ten prompts geared toward discovering how you’re feeling, shifting your mindset, and elevating your appreciation for who you are and what you already have.

Ten writing prompts:

  1. What stood out to me today…
  2. If I could restart today, I would…
  3. I never realized I felt…
  4. I’d love to have the opportunity to meet…because…
  5. What really makes me happy…
  6. I appreciate when…does….
  7. The one thing I was grateful for today…
  8. I’m thankful to have…
  9. My top ten favorite… list includes…because…
  10. My superpower is…I know this to be true, because…

Recharge and reset.

As we learn to welcome and appreciate ourselves more, we can give more of ourselves to others. Dedicate time to yourself and invest in your well-being to rejuvenate and live your life with more joy and confidence. As you become more attentive and aware, checkout five mindful practices to balance your communication approach when interacting with others.

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