During my interview with Tracy King on her podcast Gritty Mystic®, we covered many topics, including a brief overview of my transformational journey, “Project Mindy.”

We discussed the power of turning inward and self-discovery, how coaching can help you activate your best, and tips for guiding others. We also dove into some of my favorite therapeutic modalities:

• The Enneagram and the multifaceted insights it provides for inner work.
• How Deep Coaching supports healing, letting go, and moving forward.
Quantum Human Design and the vast knowledge your personalized blueprint holds.

Click here to listen.

There’s no age cap on reinvention.

Change and transformation start with awareness, and our possibilities are endless. Also, there’s no limit to learning, developing, changing your career, or reinventing your personal brand. My ever-evolving career path is a testament to that.

For instance, I started in promotional sales, then marketing and communication, change management, and then professional coaching and personal transformation. My journey continues as I build upon my expertise and live more congruently.

You don’t need to go it alone.

Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are all interconnected. Self-leadership is about getting to know yourself better and applying that knowledge to how you connect with others. As a lifelong student, certified professional coach, and consultant, activating the best in others through self-awareness, interpersonal relations, and team dynamics are passions of mine. My approach is personalized and customized, tapping into various assessments, disciplines, modalities, and techniques. To learn more, schedule a call with me.

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