As humans, we have this remarkable capacity to flex, adapt, and change for numerous reasons, from survival to fun. The impact can be minimal to startling—so much so that we look and seem entirely different.

Reinvention involves reflection, realization, compassion, and commitment to look at what empowers you while addressing any inherent beliefs, behaviors, or regrets preventing you from moving forward.

Like a kaleidoscope, humans are multi-layered with many personas.

If you’ve ever thought about how you perceive others or how they perceive you, you may have noticed that your brain organizes and catalogs all inputs to process and describe your perceptions. Often, it’s in relation or comparison to something else, such as, “so-and-so is a ‘fill in the blank profession or parent,’” or “so-and-so is ‘your go-to for X or Y.’”

It can feel quite limiting and jarring to you and the person who is impacted when this perception is not what you or they want or expect.

Author Matthew Quick captures this well:

“It was like once again someone was labeling me and putting me in a box just as soon I expressed myself.”

Ironically, we tend to turn outward for definition, validation, and acceptance versus looking inward to understand ourselves better and cultivate our personal brand.

We’re born with the ability to reimagine and change.

“Anything is possible” with focus, purpose, and motivation. That’s the incredible agency we have within us. Dr. Dan Siegel coined “Mindsight” to describe our remarkable and vast human potential and capacity to alter our brain and thoughts.

Dr. Siegel teaches the “Wheel of Awareness” practice to access the “plane of possibility,” what physicists refer to as a quantum vacuum, a mathematical space that includes all the possibilities one can access. By developing the skill of mindsight and interconnectedness, we can change the structure and function of our brain and take charge of our inner world through healthy integration instead of remaining a prisoner to it.

Harness your YOU-ness through self-exploration.

We create discomfort when we’re not being true to ourselves. Our internal system, desires, values, and goals must be aligned with our outward persona and actions for us to be at peace.

To reinvent your personal brand, here are four Fs to consider:

1. Free yourself from limitations.

You may or may not be conscious of your attitudes or opinions, but they affect everything you do. Limiting beliefs show up in how you view and interact with others and may include expectations you have imposed on others. The more I get rid of distractions and impositions, the freer I become. In turn, I appreciate more of what is instead of concentrating on what is not. To uncover what thoughts, patterns, and behaviors are holding you back, follow these five steps to create awareness around what no longer serves you.

2. Forgive yourself and others.

This is not about absolving any wrongdoings. It’s about learning from the past to influence the present and future. I find that my closest relationships and connections provide me with the most meaningful insight into where I need to grow. A great resource to guide you is Daniel Pink’s book, “The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward.” I found the book transformative in reframing regrets into a positive force with its science-based research and personal anecdotes from around the globe.

3. Find yourself and “live your brand.”

Having a clear sense of purpose fosters excitement and confidence. As the infamous adage goes, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Knowing who you are, your mission, and your values will help you live more congruently and will position you in an articulate and consistent manner to achieve your goals. To help get you started, here are five ways to build your brand identity. Also, to gain clarity around what makes you come alive and what depletes you, take the free Sparketype assessment created by Jonathan Fields. As a Certified Sparketype® Advisor, I have been amazed by the accuracy and applications.

4. Finetune your actions.

Change can be fun with the right mindset, attitude, perspective, and framework. After all, you can only change yourself, so this is all about you. If the voice in your head sounds like someone else, hit pause and assess the situation. Change does not need to be big or bold to make a difference. It’s about creating forward momentum, appreciating, showing up, and recognizing the wins in just taking those steps. I’m always impressed by how small shifts in beliefs or behaviors add up. Just look back and examine for yourself. If you enjoy a systematic approach, here are some suggestions to help you get started on your journey.

Believe in yourself and inspire others.

Our thoughts, feeling, and actions are all interconnected. As a life-long student, certified coach, and business consultant, activating the best in others through self-leadership, interpersonal relations, and team dynamics are passions of mine. If you’d like to chat more about these topics, I’d be delighted to do so. You can schedule a time here.

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